Monthly Realization Process Community Practice (In person)

First Thursday of the Month | Drop-in | By donation
Next Class: January 9th | 5:15 pm - 6:30 pm
In Person: In Burnaby (exact location TBD)

This ongoing, monthly drop-in practice group, lead by Marijana Jozic, MA & RCC offers you an opportunity to gather in person to practice essential Realization Process meditation and embodiment practices.

Spiritual awakening is relational. Which also means, it can only be uncovered through direct experience of being, relating and living fully-inhabited in the body. Together, we can empower the realization of who we are and actualize our authentic becoming. So I created this in-person group for students on the path of embodied awakening to gather and foster community support and connection.

Held on the first Thursday of every month, each month will present a unique weaving together of Realization Process practices and a topic chosen for that day that is aligned with common social/relational issues.

Expect a small group environment to support participants ongoing practice of the realization process.

We will meet for 75 minutes each class.The first 45 minutes will be continuous practice, followed by space for questions and discussion and a closing practice.

Please Note: This group is intended for those who have some experience with the realization process practices and are dedicated to the path of embodied realization. Participants need to apply to be in the group, to ensure group cohesion.

To Apply for the monthly in-person drop-in group please complete this form:

Drop-in by donation:
Your donation supports Marijana’s work, and makes it possible for these teachings to be offered as widely as possible. Please know that whatever you offer is received with much gratitude!

Once your application has been approved - you will be sent a link that you can use to sign up for each monthly class (space is limited so registration is required).

Please make your donation before arriving to the classes:

Other opportunities to practice together:

If you are new to RP, please check out our weekly 45-minute online drop-in group, which is a great opportunity to become familiar with the realization process and enjoy the power of practicing in a group more regularly, and without any expectation of interaction.